What other charges will I face with my hernia surgery?
Except for your travel expenses and the $75 consultation fee, you will only spend $2,600 to have your inguinal or umbilical hernia repaired.
What is the difference between the hernia treatment I will receive with AFFORDABLE HERNIA SURGERY and the treatment I’d receive from my local hospital?
We believe we provide better care than most hospitals and surgeons. The team at our hernia center has done literally thousands of hernia surgeries, on patients from every state in the USA. This has allowed us to refine our care, and offer hernia care that is second to none. We cut no corners in the care we provide, and every patient gets personal attention from our nurses and doctors.
How big is the incision?
Most of our incisions are about 1 ½ inches. They can be a bit longer depending on your weight.
Do I need to have my stitches removed?
No. The stitches are beneath the skin and they dissolve. None of the mesh we have implanted has ever needed to be removed.
I’ve heard that some hernia mesh has been recalled. Should I be concerned with having a hernia surgery done with mesh?
The Kugel hernia mesh was recalled in 2005. We have never used this type of mesh in any of our hernia operations. We have never had to remove any of the mesh that we have implanted.
Is it safe to travel a long distance to have hernia surgery? I
It is absolutely safe. Our patients have come from as far away as Hawaii and Alaska for their hernia surgery. Check out our testimonials to hear from former patients!
When can I go home?
For patients within a 6 hour drive, they can go home right after surgery if they have someone with them. Patients who fly to get their hernia surgery can fly home the same day as long as they have a companion and leave plenty of time between their surgery and their departure.
Can I come by myself?
About 20 percent of our patients come alone, and we arrange with Visiting Angels to bring them back to their hotel room for an extra $88 charge.
I have hernias in both groins. Can they be fixed with the same hernia surgery?
Yes they can be fixed in the same hernia operation. The fee for bilateral hernia surgery is $4,000.
I’ve been thinking about getting a vasectomy. Can this be done at the same time as my hernia surgery?
Combining vasectomy with hernia surgery makes sense and can be done while you are sedated. The additional fee for a vasectomy is $500, plus a small lab fee.
What are the advantages of using mesh during a hernia surgery?
There are two major advantages to using mesh for a hernia surgery. First of all, studies have shown that hernias repaired using mesh virtually never come back. Before the use of mesh, recurrence rates were reported to be as high as 10 percent. With our mesh technique, the recurrence rate of a hernia is less than 1 percent.
How long will I be out of work?
We do not restrict our patients after surgery. Many of our patients are self-employed and do not get paid if they don’t work. So basically you decide when you are comfortable to resume regular duties. Most of our patients will be back to their jobs in a week, though this can vary. The other major advantage of mesh is that patients whose hernias are repaired using mesh have a much easier recovery after the hernia operation because there is much less tension on the muscles compared to a hernia repair where abdominal muscles are stretched with sutures to cover the hernia opening. Our experience is that most patients are back to work within 5 to 7 days, and we never restrict patients’ activities after hernia surgery.